Friday, March 14, 2008

March Six. Heavenly tutorial.

Well thank goodness I went to the tutorial because if I hadn't, I wouldn't have found Carl. We were assigned an in class research task and I did a quick google search on the computer, I believe it was "significant people nsw died". It was an early morning, late in the week and even so those few vague words led to a mountain of brilliance.

Up popped Carl. A striking lad with a beard a foot long. "Pioneering surveyor and engineer".

I ran search after search after search before it was made clear there was no other webpage dedicated to him. I figured it as due to the lack of information and primary material. So I wondered - did I want to risk the long hours of tedious fishing for primary research - journals, letters etc. Of course I did! UNTIL I realised amongst the wonderful array of secondary information on the page, it indicated his remains were buried in Sutherland cemetry.

The journey began...

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